Iced Tea recipe with Pomegranate flavor – Home made Pomegranate Ice tea with easy step by step recipe and video

Today we will try some new fresh flavor of iced tea and that is also home made. With this recipe we will be making Pomegranate Iced Tea.
Here are the list of ingredients we will be needing to make Pomegranate Iced Tea.
1- Water 1 Ltr.
2- Tea Bags 7-8.
3- Lemon – 2 medium sized.
4- Honey – 3/4 Cups.
5- Fresh Pomegranate juice(at the time of serving) – 1/4 cup
Step by Step procedure for making Pomegranate Iced Tea:
Gather all the things required to the counter top and follow the following steps:
First we will make the tea base and then we will add the flavor to it.
1- Boil 1 Ltr water.

2- Add 7-8 Tea bags. Dip them only for 10-15mins.

3- Strain the tea in a container and add 1 medium size lemon in slices.

3- Squeeze a lemon in the tea base.

4- Add 3/4 cup honey and mix it well and refrigerate it for 1-2 hrs.

5- In a glass, put 3-4 ice cubes and add 1/4 cup of fresh pomegranate juice.
6- Add a mint leaf and pour in the base ice tea.
Your Pomegranate Iced tea is now ready. Serve it chilled.
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